Monday, June 13, 2016

beyond the selfie

The thing that brought me to photography was because some of my friends told me that they liked the class. So I asked "What was it like?" and they told me that "It was a challenge" and that's exactly why I did it, I love a challenge.

I learned that photography is the capturing of light and that literally anything can be a camera.

I learned that there are many "characters" that I have to choose from to incorporate into my photography. I also learned how to let my creativity and imagination run wild.

As I stated before, I love a challenge. But if I had to pick one it wold be the infrared project, I just could never truly get the color perfect in that.

My favorite project was definitely the clone project. It was my favorite because I could be as free with my character as I wanted.

If I could choose one project to do over, it would be the light writhing project. I didn't have very much of an idea of what I should do for the project.

In my final project I used several "props" such as the ghost mask and the grey coloring, which symbolized the part of me that no one knows. The clipboard and the yellow represents the artistic nature and creativity of my drawings and of the stories that I write. The juggernaut crouching shows that I am a soldier and I would protect anyone, the reason he is crouching is because it shows he is loyal and doesn't put him self above other people. The rifle in his hands shows that he is always ready to defend what he believes in.

These objects all represent the different things about me. The ghost is holding two pistols, showing that he can easily conceal them just as evil can hide anywhere. The clipboard shows the want to be creative anywhere. The rifle shows that loyalty and protection can be found in even the most simple objects.

I think that if someone were to look at my project then they would see the different characteristics that make up me.

I would tell the new incoming students "be ready to take lots of photos, always take more photos than you think you need. and get a good tripod. Also make Homan laugh, it's always a good thing to make your teacher laugh."

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